- The User Presets can now be exported so they can be loaded into another Photoshop or Oniric version.
- Blur amount slider control was added to the LIGHT DISPERSION setting.
- BUG FIXED - When clicking 'EDIT', if there were two or more Oniric_Elements with the same name in the Pohotoshop Document, sometimes Oniric was editing the wrong Oniric_Element.
- BUG FIXED - When Oniric was enabled in Photoshop, using the eyedropper was causing yo fill with red a selection, it is fixed now.
- BUG FIXED - Mac: Oniric got stuck in Initializing...
- Oniric is now faster than ever with optimized rendering times with the new Adobe UXP plugin technology.
- M1 support for Mac. Oniric does not need Rosetta anymore to work properly in Mac computers this means full compatibility with M1 Mac chips
- Oniric has been migrated to UXP Adobes technology wich means a lot of optimization improvements and full compatibility with latests Photoshop versions.
- Oniric is now located inside the plugins menu.
- Oniric UI is now resizable which means more precise control over slider values.
- Improved user license management workflow. Now when resetting a license in the dashboard will let Oniric know that the license has been reseted and automatically uninstalls the license from your computer when opening Oniric.
- Smalls UI tweaks on the mask feature for a better user experience.
- Old Oniric presets can be added with the Add presets button within the USER PRESETS section on the Presets tab.
- Compact Mode has been added to Oniric on the top right menu, specially for 720p monitors. This makes Oniric UI compact and scrollable, this helps a lot on low resolution monitors to be able to see the whole UI.
- Helper Switches are now visible on FX and Presets tabs.
- Mac UI has been fixed.
- Windows UI is now adaptive which fixes UI elements overlaping.
- BUG FIXED - *WINDOWS* The UI is now fully visible for Windows computers that had issues with the UI scalling.
- Glow algorithm has been improved with a physically based falloff, thus obtaining softer and more visually attractive highlights.
- Onirics UI has been redisigned for a better user experience.
- Oniric has panels now: Glow settings panel, FX settings panel and Presets panel.
- Intensity slider has been changed to Main Opacity as it controls the main opacity from the glow.
- Transition option has been added on the Input Image section to have more control and creative freedom over the input luminance data.
- Channels / alpha masks can be created automatically with Oniric to load them as a mask. You can use the transparency or the luminance layer data as a source to create a channel. This works amazing for overlays so glows can be more precise when generating an Oniric Element.
- Oniric is now 32Bit fully supported, you have dynamic range to the infinity and smoother glows than ever.
- As Oniric has new algorithm, a new slider has been added to control the Core glow opacity to expand your creative options.
- The Oniric types dropdown has been removed. BLOOM effect is activated by default and GLARE can be activated to add rays / streaks.
- STREAKS has been removed, now it is called GLARE and you can chose from 2, 4 or 6 glare sides.
- Glare feature has an option to be blended as color dodge or linear dodge which each one achieve different visual result.
- Inside the Glare feature you can turn off the CORE switch which will fade out your Glare core to achieve a softer blending between your BLOOM and GLARE.
- Intensity of the Glare can be adjusted separatelly from BLOOM to have more control over your glow.
- Glare length can be adjusted separatelly and it is influenced by RADIUS slider from General settings.
- Glare Spectrum effect has been added on the FX panel.
- Oniric now includes Factory Presets.
- Light dispersion has now a Type option menu to have more creative freedom
- The exposure slider values have been changed to exposure steps (-5.0 - +5.0 ) as in real cameras, this also gives you more power for brightening and darkening your glows.
- A new slider have been added to correct Onirics GAMMA, which is a game changer to create smoother glows with a softer light falloff.
- Lightness slider have been removed as it used to do a similar effect like intensity.
- Final output previewed by default within Oniric and it can be turned off to optimize Oniric rendering speed, this compromises preview results (this doesnt affect the final output when hitting the SAVE button).
- Oniric glows now can be previewed isolated from the input image by turning on the SOLO switch.
- XRAY has been improved with a color gradient map to visualize easily the lightest parts of the image.
- XRAY range has been increased so Oniric can detect lower values of luminance from the input image.
- When Glare is active, you can change the blend mode of the rays to LINEAR DODGE or COLOR DODGE, playing with this blend modes will give you different effects like anamoprhic lens flares and more.
- Glare intensity can be controled with the slider Intensity.
- Panels have been added to separate glow settings, glow FXs and presets.
- Oniric now can generate premultiplied / transparent glows.
- Editing Oniric_Elements is now easier, only select the Oniric_Element and click edit to open it.
- A dynamic range setting has been added to complement the threshold setting and give more control over the input image.
- BUG FIXED - A problem with scaling when hitting save. When using streaks and increasing Streaks detail, after going back to Diffuse it was causing Oniric to render the glow in small resolution when hitting save.
- BUG FIXED - Streaks detail was previewing different results compared to the final render when hitting save.
- BUG FIXED - When opening Oniric for the first time and trying to Edit an Oniric_Element, when pressing save it was saving the Oniric_Element with a wrong resolution making it look very small and out of dimensions.
- BUG FIXED - The Light dispersion feature had an issue when using Oniric streaks, if the detail slider was increased more than 0, after saving there was a bug that was causing to output a different result than the one that was rendered inside the Oniric element. Oniric nows renders exactly what is in the preview.
- A bug which was causing Oniric to restart each time that the window was closed has been fixed
- Improved algorithm for the Light dispersion feature
- RGB channels were added to the Light dispersion feature so you can combine two of them and get more creative
- Loading alpha channels as a mask is now possible
- Now you can target a color range with the “select range” tool.On each click Oniric will automatically create a mask based on that color range. If you have a mask already created it will add this new color range to the actual mask.
- A blur button was added to soften the mask if needed
- Small tweaks on the UI desing
- Minor bug fixes
- NEW FEATURE - Light dispersion slider setting was added to have more control over the glow and to achieve a more natural look
- Added the option to auto-rename Oniric-elements
- The reset button was added again but smaller, on the top-right of the UI
- Some little UI design tweaks
- BUG FIXED - If document was 16 bit, when pressing "Edit Element" was causing an error
- Minor bug fixes
- Improved Oniric's UI with a more flexible and intuitive mask feature
- The Adobe Photoshop tool bar is now visible inside Oniric
- Brush, eraser, invert and clear-mask buttons were added to the mask feature
- Mask opacity was decreased to be able to see what is behind
- Exposure algorithm was improved to deliver more power and better results
- In Glow type, the word "TYPE" was changed to "ONIRIC" and the word "BLOOM" was changed to "DIFFUSE"
- The default value of the SATURATION slider was decreased by 20%, this gives a more natural result
- An eyedropper was added to the HUE slider so it is possible now to sample any color from your image
- Oniric automatically instlalls its own brushes to work propertly, you should see a new brush group within your brushes
- Removed the CN License Manager and the license management is now integrated inside Oniric
- The word from the button "APPLY" was changed to "SAVE"
- A dialog window pops when pressing SAVE button to customize the glow name
- The POST BLUR slider was removed
- Fixed minor bugs in previews versions
- Fixed a bug that was causing a deletion of your history when creating an Oniric_Element.This was affecting your CTRL + Z
- You may feel an improvement on the speed
- Fixed a bug that was causing Oniric to not be shown on Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 under extensions menu
- Minor bug fixes
- Initial release