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Breakdown generator plugin for Adobe Photoshop


For installation instructions please read the Installation and Activation guide.

How to use it

Here's a short tutorial that will teach you how to use BreakGen


Breakdown animation name

This is how your output file will be named. You can choose any name you want, BreakGen automatically takes your Photoshop Document's name when you open BreakGen. You can close and open BreakGen anytime to load your Photoshop Document's name.

Set speed

Here you are able to customize the speed of your breakdown.

  • Delay time between frames: This is the time in seconds that will last one frame until the next appears. The lower the value the faster the breakdown.

  • Last frame delay time: You can set the duration of your last frame so your audience can fully appreciate the final composition.
Include extras

Some extra options for a more customizable breakdown animation.

  • Layer masks: If this is checked and a the layer has a mask, BreakGen will create one frame with the mask turned off and then another frame with the mask turned on. ( This exludes masks that are turned off ).
  • Group masks: If this is checked and a group has a mask, BreakGen will create one frame with the mask turned off and then another frame with the mask turned on. ( This exludes masks that are turned off )
  • Smart Objects: If this is checked, all the smart object inner layers will be animated with the given BreakGen settings. NOTE: If the smart object has been transformed ( rotated or scaled ) Photoshop cannot copy the transformation to the SmartObject layers
Layer Animation Hierarchy

Customize hiearchy layer animation.

  • Pixels first: Cheking this option will make pixel layers (including clipping masks) to be visible first before making visible any adjustment layer.
  • Clipp masks after: Checking this option will make all the layers that are clipping mask to be visible after all the other layers have been turned visible first. If "Pixels first" is checked, clipping mask layers will be visible before adjustment layers.

Output format - Size

You can choose the output format and size of your breakdown animation. You can choose both at the same time and BreakGen will generate a breakdown on those two different formats at once.

  • GIF: This is an animation in GIF format that shows as a loop. This can be uploaded to platforms like BEHANCE, Artstation, Facebook and others and it will be played as a loop.

    If your Photoshop Document is horizontal, for platforms like BEHANCE and Artstation it is recommended to set your size at 1400px longest. For Facebook you could generate your breakdown at any size.

  • h264(mp4): This format is specially used if you want to retain the most quality of your layers and use the breakdown for video editing. h264(mp4) is perfect to share it on platforms like Instagram but can be used anywhere.

Output folder

You need to choose an output folder for your breakdowns. Whichever path you chose, BreakGen automatically will create a folder called "Breakdowns" for you so you can separate your files and locate them more easily.


Will generate your breakdown with the specific parameters you gave to BreakGen. Once it is done, you'll hear a sound to let you know that the breakdown has been generated. The output folder containing your generated breakdown(s) will open automatically for you to locate it more easily.

License details

Single user
Computers limit


Photoshop v23.5.0 +

Installation & Activation

We made a special section dedicated to guide you through the installation and activation of the plugins.


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