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Breakdown generator plugin for Adobe Photoshop

1711 Days ago
Ryan Sims

I love this plug-in! I have always wanted a quick way to show off my workflow layers in Photoshop. BreakGen does just that! I spend enough time in Photoshop creating composites that I don’t want to spend anymore time showing the layer breakdown. I’m so thankful for the hard work that went into this plug-in. It’s a timesaver & a must-have!

Photographer - United States of America (the)

1709 Days ago
Rick Smith

If you’re searching for a way to record and present your workflow and seriously don’t want to jump through hoops. Complete your work! Fire up BreakGen and generate something to be proud of to show your audience on social media and clients. It’s seriously as easy as clicking a button! First Oniric now this! Composite Nation I thank you for opening doors to my creativity! Highly recommended! My only problem is now waiting to see what’s next......

Photographer - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

1707 Days ago
David Byrd

BreakGen on the surface is a great way to show off your hard work, by making a video of each layer of the project. However it goes WAY beyond that. It is a presentation tool for clients as well. Being able to send one file to a client showing them various iterations on a piece of artwork, centralizes the creative conversation in an easy to manage and organize video. Whether it's "how did you make that composite" or "let's look at the options," BreakGen gives me a fantastic way to answer that call. Thank you to the amazing team at Composite Nation for yet again, providing a truly remarkable tool to creatives everywhere!

Photographer - United States of America (the)

1707 Days ago
Davion Washington

To every digital artist, photographer, concept artist, VFX artist, whatever you are, YOU NEED THIS PLUGIN ! I HIGHLY recommend it especially if you want a quick way to show off your work process. BREAKGEN helped me save plenty of time trying to make a gif or a video on my compositing process. Now I have more ways to show my audience my workflow. Thank you so much Mario ! You're amazing bro ! Can't wait to see what the next plugin is gonna be. Composite Nation for life !

Photographer - United States of America (the)

1579 Days ago
Gary Mcintyre

I absolutely LOVE this plugin! If you want to provide quick demonstrations on how your composites were created to customers, clients, online or during tutorials this is definitely the best and only plugin for you. Everything is completed quickly and at the click of a button. You've done all the hard work creating the image so let BreakGen show it off at it's best, building layer by layer and providing an end result that is absolutely brilliant! A must have plugin that is such a timesaver. Buy it you won't regret it. And check out Oniric while you are at it. WOW!

Compositing Artist - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

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License details

Single user
Computers limit


Photoshop v23.5.0 +

Installation & Activation

We made a special section dedicated to guide you through the installation and activation of the plugins.


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